Library Information
The Library offers a variety of books, visual aids, reference materials, and inter-library resources.
Learn more about the Library at CVCC Library Guide.
Ask at Reference
Assistance is available for finding the information you need. The staff can assist in searching NC LIVE and other Library resources. Instructors may contact the Director of Library Services to schedule library instruction sessions or they can complete the Library Instruction Request form.
Ask at the Circulation Desk
Many Library accounts are created at the beginning of each semester. Students who are unsure as to whether their Library account is active can email or call the Library Circulation Desk at (828) 327-7000 ext. 4229.
We can help you activate your library card, make or print copies, use software, access reserved materials, and locate library materials.
Check out, renew and return books as well as reserve group study rooms at the desk.
Book Return
The book return is located in the second floor CAD building lobby.
Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office software are located throughout the Library. Wireless internet access is available throughout the Library.
Please visit the Library web page at for more information and to locate our holdings in the online catalog. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.
Group Study Rooms
Seven rooms are available for small group study, and one room is available for large group study. To reserve a large group study room, please check with the Circulation Desk. The large group study room is available for reservation by CVCC students only
ILL (Inter-Library Loan)
Library staff can assist you with borrowing books from other libraries. Ask at the Circulation Desk for more information.
Staff can demonstrate the best methods to access the general and specialized information needed.
Receive instruction on how to access and use library databases.
Library Location
Second Floor, Cuyler A. Dunbar Building - Please see the Campus Map.
Library Hours
The CVCC Library follows the campus schedule for Institutional openings and closings. Opening hours change during semester breaks. Changes in the Library schedule will be posted to the CVCC Portal and the CVCC Library Facebook page. Please see the Library hours posted on the Library home page.
For more information, please call the Library Circulation Desk at (828) 327-7000, ext. 4229.
Printing and Copying in the Library
A photocopier/printer is located within the Collaborative Study area of the Library. The current print cost is 10 cents per page/per side.
Watch a short video for instructions on using the Library Printer.
Books, newspapers and magazines. Current newspapers, magazines, and journals are located in the Library’s Current Periodicals reading area.
Services for Patrons with Disabilities
The Library offers assistive software. Please inform the Library staff if additional accommodations are needed.
Special Collections
The Library is home to several special collections. We offer collections related to Teaching and Learning, the Holocaust, and geneolgy among other offerings.
Writing Center
The Writing Center is located in room 234 by the Library Circulation Desk. The Writing Center operates independently within the Library. Please check with Writing Center staff for their hours of operation.