Course Substitutions
Student Records - Course substitutions are permitted only under extenuating circumstances.
Substitution Limitations
CVCC may allow courses to be substituted in a curriculum for a student ONLY under extenuating circumstances and ONLY if the substitution is within the NCCCS Curriculum Standards. Substitutions of curriculum core, concentration courses, and pathway program courses are NOT permitted. The substituted course hours MUST equal or exceed the hours for the required course in the curriculum unless an exception is offered in the state standard.
Course substitutions must be recommended by the student's academic advisor. Course substitutions must be approved by the department head (or dean, if the department head is also the advisor) of the student's academic program area, by the department head responsible for the course to be substituted, and by the director of Student Records.
CVCC has developed a list of Blanket Course Subs to address coursework that has already been completed or credits that may have been granted from another regionally accredited college. These documents do not provide permission to take a course that is not listed in your curriculum.
Contact Information
Student Services - Records
Kelly Plumley
Phone: 828-327-7000
Office Number: SS 811