You are here: Contributors Reference > Editing Content with the Rich Text Editor > Adding/Removing Hyperlinks > New Window Properties

New Window Properties

Use this dialog to set attributes for link targets defined to display in a secondary window.  This option appears when you check Open link in new window and click the New Window Properties button in the Insert Link dialog. Position and size values display in pixels. The image below displays initial default settings.

Use this dialog to set size and to enable/disable controls for a secondary window, keeping in mind the monitor sizes and screen resolution standards for your site's visitors.

Window Name: Required. Enter an identifier for this window. The name you enter displays in the window title bar.

Top: Required. Enter a value in pixels for the top offset for the window. Left: Required. Enter a value in pixels for the left offset for the window.

Width: Enter a value in pixels for window width. Height: Enter a value in pixels for window height.

Toolbar: Whether browser navigation or bookmark toolbars display in this window.

Location: If checked, the browser displays its location bar. (The location bar is where you type Web addresses.)

Directories: If checked, the browser displays its directory buttons.

Status: Whether mouseover, link, or other information displays in the status bar.

Menubar: Whether browser menu options display in the new window.

Scrollbar: Whether the new browser window is scrollable. Enable this option if the new window contains content that extends beyond the length of a single window.

Resizable: Whether the new window displays at a fixed size or is resizable.

Click Save to keep window setting or Cancel to exit without saving.  Click Default to reset the window to the original default settings shown above. These settings launch your linked content in the upper left corner of the browser window with most window controls available.


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