Feb 13, 2025 11:00 PM |
Public Services Calendar |
Course | Title | Section ID | Start | End | Bldg | Room | Bldg Description | Days | Start Time | End Time | Faculty Name | Status | Comments | Amount | Register |
CJC-3938 | Basic Law Enforcement BLET | 100 | 11/13/24 | 4/2/25 |
114 114 TRACK 114 114 CLARK 114 114 004 TRACK 048 114 114 114 114 004 TRACK 114 114 114 048 004 TRACK 114 114 114 048 057 057 114 114 004 114 114 114 115 115 TRACK RANGE RANGE RANGE 115 115 115 115 115 048 004 MU1 MU1 MU1 TRACK 115 115 115 048 115 004 TRACK 115 048 MU1 MU1 MU1 MU1 MU1 MU1 115 115 TRACK 115 115 115 CLARK 115 115 004 115 TRACK 115 MU1 MU1 MU1 048 115 115 115 004 048 115 004 115 TRACK 115 MU1 048 MU1 MU1 115 MU1 004 MU1 115 115 115 115 115 TRACK 115 115 048 004 MU1 115 115 115 TRACK 115 CLSRM MU1 MU1 048 MU1 MU1 115 004 115 TRNRM 115 TRACK 115 115 115 MU1 MU1 115 CLARK 115 115 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Neil Clark Park Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Hickory Police Department Hickory Police Department Hickory Police Department Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Neil Clark Park Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Hickory High School Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex The Tarlton Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Catawba County Sheriff Office Cuyler A. Dunbar Building The Tarlton Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Neil Clark Park Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
W W W TH TH F M , T , W M , T , W M T W TH TH M , T W M T W M , T W M T W TH TH M M M , T , W , TH M , W , TH T , W T T W T T M M M T , W , TH T , W , TH F F T T W , TH W T W TH T T T W M , T , TH W W M , TH TH M T T W W TH TH M M T , W T T W TH TH F M M M T T W W TH TH TH M , T , W , TH M M , T , W M , T W TH TH T T W W W TH TH M M M T T M , T , W , TH W W T , W W TH M M T W , TH TH M M M M T W W W TH TH TH TH M M M M T , W , TH T , W TH S S M M T , W T , W |
7:00 AM 12:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:15 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 11:30 AM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:10 PM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 1:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:15 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:15 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
11:30 AM 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:10 PM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 12:00 PM 9:30 PM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 4:30 PM 10:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 4:30 PM 10:00 PM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Deal | OPEN
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 114~ NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-3938 | Basic Law Enforcement Limited | 101 | 11/13/24 | 4/4/25 |
114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 MU1 MU1 115 115 TRNRM 115 115 115 115 115 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Catawba County Sheriff Office Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
W M M , T , W T , W TH TH M , T , W M , T W T , W T W M T T TH TH W W M , TH TH M TH TH M M M , T , W , TH M T , W TH M M M T TH M M M T , W , TH T , W T , W T , W |
7:00 AM 7:30 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:30 PM 7:30 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
11:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 11:30 AM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 114/115~ NO WEB This a Limited Enrollee for CJC-3938-100, Section 133409 |
180.00 | |
CJC-3938 | Basic Law Enforcement Limited | 102 | 11/13/24 | 4/2/25 |
114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 MU1 MU1 115 115 115 115 TRNRM 115 115 115 115 115 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Catawba County Sheriff Office Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
W M M , T , W M , T , W TH TH M , T W T T TH TH W M , TH W M , TH TH TH M M M M M M T M M TH M M M T , W , TH T , W T , W T , W |
7:00 AM 7:30 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 114/115~ NO WEB This a Limited Enrollee for CJC-3938-100, Section 133409. |
180.00 | |
CJC-3938 | Basic Law Enforcement Limited | 103 | 11/13/24 | 4/2/25 |
114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 MU1 MU1 MU1 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 MU1 MU1 MU1 115 MU1 MU1 115 115 MU1 115 115 115 115 TRNRM 115 115 115 115 115 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Public Safety Training Complex Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Catawba County Sheriff Office Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
W M M , T , W M , T , W TH TH M , T W M , T , W , TH T W TH M T T TH TH T W , TH T , W TH T T W M , TH W M , TH TH TH M M M , T , W , TH M T , W TH M , T M , T W W TH TH M M T M M W , TH TH M TH M M M T , W , TH T , W T , W T , W |
7:00 AM 7:30 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:30 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 11:30 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 7:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 7:30 AM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 114~ NO WEB This a Limited Enrollee for CJC-3938-100, Section 133409 |
180.00 | |
CJC-8913 | Law Enforcement Operations | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8915 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Turk | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8922 | Forensic Biology | 865 | 1/13/25 | 5/13/25 |
078 078 RNET |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Internet/Online |
M ,
W T |
7:30 PM 7:30 PM |
8:50 PM 8:50 PM |
Herman | OPEN
This is a hybrid class, online section, and seated section for lab Mon & Wed. NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8923 | Advance Friction Ridge Analysi | 865 | 1/13/25 | 5/13/25 |
078 078 RNET |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Internet/Online |
M ,
W T |
6:00 PM 6:00 PM |
7:20 PM 7:20 PM |
Herman | OPEN
This is a hybrid class. Labs are held on Mon & Wed nights. NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8924 | Crime Scene Processing | 865 | 1/13/25 | 5/13/25 |
078 RNET |
The Tarlton Complex Internet/Online |
T ,
TH |
7:30 PM |
8:50 PM |
Herman | OPEN
This is a hybrid class. Labs are held on Tuesday & Thursday nights. NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8925 | Intro to Loss Prevention | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8928 | Ethics & Comm Relations | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
no web | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8849 | Telecommunicator Certification | 100 | 2/10/25 | 2/20/25 |
078 078 078 078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
M ,
T ,
W M T , W W TH |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:00 AM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM |
Byers | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8612 | Legal Update | 508 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | CCSO | TRNRM | Catawba County Sheriff Office | M | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Turk | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Catawba County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8612 | Legal Update | 510 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8888 | Legislative Update | 501 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8935 | Evidence Handle: Best Practice | 501 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8936 | Mental Health / Resiliency | 501 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 5:02 PM | 7:02 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8937 | Ethics / Leading by Example | 501 | 2/17/25 | 2/17/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 7:03 PM | 9:03 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8617 | Bloodborne Pathogens | 501 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 4:01 PM | 6:01 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
70.00 | Register | |
CJC-8632 | Firearms Classroom | 506 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:03 PM | 10:03 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8732 | Hazardous Materials | 501 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 6:02 PM | 8:02 PM | Hedrick | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8933 | Civil Process | 501 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8934 | Juvenile Justice | 501 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | St. Clair | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8612 | Legal Update | 511 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8702 | Standardized Field Sobriety | 100 | 2/24/25 | 2/27/25 |
086 086 086 086 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
M ,
T M , T W , TH W , TH |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM |
Efird | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus MPC Room 086~ NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8888 | Legislative Update | 502 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8935 | Evidence Handle: Best Practice | 502 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8936 | Mental Health / Resiliency | 502 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 5:02 PM | 7:02 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8937 | Ethics / Leading by Example | 502 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 7:03 PM | 9:03 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8617 | Bloodborne Pathogens | 502 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 4:01 PM | 6:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8632 | Firearms Classroom | 507 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:03 PM | 10:03 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8732 | Hazardous Materials | 502 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 6:02 PM | 8:02 PM | Hedrick | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8933 | Civil Process | 502 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8934 | Juvenile Justice | 502 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-3941 | Detention Officer Cert. | 100 | 3/3/25 | 4/3/25 |
086 TRACK 086 086 048 086 086 004 086 TRACK 086 086 086 086 TRNRM 086 086 048 086 TRACK 004 086 086 086 048 048 086 086 086 086 048 086 TRACK 086 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex Catawba County Detention Centr The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
M ,
W ,
TH ,
F M T T T W , TH F W , TH , F M , W , TH M T T W TH , F F M M , T , W , TH M T , W T , TH W TH , F F M T , W , TH M , T , W , TH W , F F M M , W M T T TH |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 9:00 AM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM |
12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM |
Walker | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 086~ NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8617 | Bloodborne Pathogens | 503 | 3/4/25 | 3/4/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8881 | RADAR Recertification | 101 | 3/4/25 | 3/4/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
T T |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Vickery | OPEN
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarton Complex MPC 078~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8935 | Evidence Handle: Best Practice | 504 | 3/4/25 | 3/4/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8937 | Ethics / Leading by Example | 504 | 3/4/25 | 3/4/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 5:02 PM | 7:02 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8939 | Det Officer Safety/Use of Forc | 500 | 3/4/25 | 3/4/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8847 | RADAR/LIDAR Recertification | 101 | 3/5/25 | 3/5/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
W W |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Vickery | OPEN
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarton Complex MPC 078~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8673 | Detention Haz-Mat | 500 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | Hedrick | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8936 | Mental Health / Resiliency | 504 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8938 | Dignity-Incarcerated Women Act | 500 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8940 | Searching Inmates | 500 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 10:01 AM | 12:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8926 | Criminology | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | CLOSED
NO WEB | 125.00 | ||||
CJC-8927 | Corrections | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | CLOSED
NO WEB | 125.00 | ||||
CJC-8929 | Criminalistics | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8930 | Crisis Intervention | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8931 | Investigative Principles | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Herman | OPEN
NO WEB | 125.00 | No Online Reg | |||
CJC-8694 | Crisis Intervention Training | 100 | 3/17/25 | 3/21/25 |
325 325 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
M ,
T ,
W ,
TH ,
F M , T , W , TH , F |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Boston | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 325~ NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8617 | Bloodborne Pathogens | 504 | 3/25/25 | 3/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8935 | Evidence Handle: Best Practice | 505 | 3/25/25 | 3/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8937 | Ethics / Leading by Example | 505 | 3/25/25 | 3/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 5:02 PM | 7:02 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8939 | Det Officer Safety/Use of Forc | 501 | 3/25/25 | 3/25/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8673 | Detention Haz-Mat | 501 | 3/27/25 | 3/27/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | Hedrick | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8936 | Mental Health / Resiliency | 505 | 3/27/25 | 3/27/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8938 | Dignity-Incarcerated Women Act | 501 | 3/27/25 | 3/27/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8940 | Searching Inmates | 501 | 3/27/25 | 3/27/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | TH | 10:01 AM | 12:01 PM | Williamson | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8819 | Basic RADAR Operator | 101 | 3/31/25 | 4/3/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
M ,
T ,
W ,
TH M , T , W , TH |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Vickery | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8902 | Background Investigation | 100 | 4/9/25 | 4/9/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
W W |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Hildebrand | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8612 | Legal Update | 512 | 4/21/25 | 4/21/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8888 | Legislative Update | 503 | 4/21/25 | 4/21/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8935 | Evidence Handle: Best Practice | 503 | 4/21/25 | 4/21/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8936 | Mental Health / Resiliency | 503 | 4/21/25 | 4/21/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | M | 5:02 PM | 7:02 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8933 | Civil Process | 503 | 4/22/25 | 4/22/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8934 | Juvenile Justice | 503 | 4/22/25 | 4/22/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8937 | Ethics / Leading by Example | 503 | 4/22/25 | 4/22/25 | ACSO | CLSRM | Alexander County Sheriff's Off | T | 3:01 PM | 5:01 PM | McKinney | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~Alexander County Sheriff's Office Training Room~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8881 | RADAR Recertification | 102 | 5/6/25 | 5/6/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
T T |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Vickery | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8847 | RADAR/LIDAR Recertification | 102 | 5/7/25 | 5/7/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
W W |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Vickery | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8941 | Cj Stds Certification Workshop | 100 | 5/28/25 | 5/28/25 | WSC | 1001 | Workforce Solutions Complex | W | 8:00 AM | 2:00 PM | Boston | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus WSC 1001~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
CJC-8932 | Basic Narcotics Investigation | 100 | 6/23/25 | 6/27/25 |
325 325 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
M ,
T ,
W ,
TH ,
F M , T , W , TH , F |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Walker | OPEN
|Gene Walker - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4583| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 325~ NO WEB |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
DEN-3300 | Dental Assisting | 865 | 8/26/24 | 3/1/25 |
805 805 805 TBD RNET |
Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility To Be Determined Internet/Online |
T ,
W M M |
5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM |
8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM |
McCoy-Stewart | OPEN
High School Diploma or GED required. No class on 11/27/2024, 11/28/2024, 12/16, 12/17, 12/18, 12/19, 12/23, 12/24, 12/25, 12/26, 12/30, 12/31, 1/1, and 1/2. Total seated/lab hours are 96, 80 Online hours, and 128 seated/clinical hours. The lab days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 (96 hours) but will change to Monday and Tuesday (5:30-8:30) for the following dates: 10/14/2024, 10/15/2024, 11/25/2024, and 11/26/2024. The students are on rotation for 8 hours a day from 1/6/2025 to 2/28/2025 (for a total of 128 hours). They have online classes Mon-Sun from 08/26/2024-3/1/2025 (for a total of 80 hours). NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |
DEN-3300 | Dental Assisting | 866 | 8/26/24 | 3/1/25 |
805 805 805 TBD RNET |
Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility To Be Determined Internet/Online |
T ,
W M M |
5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM |
8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM |
McCoy-Stewart | OPEN
High School Diploma or GED required. No class on 11/27/2024, 11/28/2024, 12/16, 12/17, 12/18, 12/19, 12/23, 12/24, 12/25, 12/26, 12/30, 12/31, 1/1/2025, and 1/2/2025. Total seated/lab hours are 96, 80 Online hours, and 128 seated/clinical hours. The lab days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 (96 hours) but will change to Monday and Tuesday (5:30-8:30) for the following dates: 11/25/2024 and 11/26/2024. The students are on rotation for 8 hours a day from 1/6/2025 to 3/1/2025 (for a total of 128 hours). They have online classes Mon-Sun from 08/26/2024-3/01/2025 (for a total of 80 hours). Jessica Jerome, Krystal Richards, and Taylor Fincannon are the only students who can register for this class and pay the $186.25 due to returning to the program and previously paying. NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |
DEN-3300 | Dental Assisting | 865 | 1/13/25 | 6/29/25 |
805 805 805 TBD RNET |
Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility Dental Hygiene Facility To Be Determined Internet/Online |
T ,
W M , T T , W |
5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM |
8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM |
McCoy-Stewart | OPEN
High School Diploma or GED required. Must be 18 years of age. No class on 01/20/2025, 05/26/2025. Total seated/lab hours are 96, 80 Online hours, and 128 seated/clinical hours. The lab days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 (96 hours) but will change to Monday and Tuesday (5:30-8:30) for the following dates: 03/17/2025 and 03/18/2025. The students are on rotation for 8 hours a day from 05/05/2025 to 06/26/2025 (for a total of 128 hours). They have online classes Mon-Sun from 01/13/2025-06/29/2025 (for a total of 80 hours). NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-3169 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 800 | 3/11/24 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO WEB This course provides a continuation of the comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems as well as metabolism, nutrition, acid-base balance, and fluid and electrolyte balance. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships. This course must meet or exceed the specific guidelines of the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS), including all content, lab, and instructor requirements. Pre-requisite: EMS-3168 (Anatomy and Physiology I). |
180.00 | Register | |||
EMS-3168 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO WEB This course provides a comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include body organization, homeostasis, cytology, histology, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems and special senses. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships. This course must meet or exceed the specific guidelines of the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS), including all content, lab, and instructor requirements. |
180.00 | No Online Reg | |||
EMS-4200 | Emergency Med Tech Initial | 850 | 1/13/25 | 5/13/25 |
310 310 RNET TBD |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Internet/Online To Be Determined |
M ,
T ,
W ,
TH M , T , W , TH |
12:30 PM 12:30 PM |
3:30 PM 3:30 PM |
Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 310~ This course meets the requirements forr NC Office of EMS Certification. Class Hours: Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 12:30pm-3:30pm. No class 1/20, 3/17-3/20, 4/21. Hybrid class from 1/13-5/13 with supplemental online activities. Class 288 total hours: 192 hours seated, 48 hours online, and 48 hours of clinical field observation. Students will be eligible for clinicals after they reach 60% of the class. |
180.00 | Register |
EMS-4200 | Emergency Med Tech Initial | 871 | 1/13/25 | 5/19/25 |
Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd Propst Cr Fd To Be Determined Internet/Online |
M ,
TH S S S S S S |
6:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
10:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Weaver | OPEN
This course meets the requirements forr NC Office of EMS Certification. Class Hours: Monday and Thursday 6pm-10pm, Saturday 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, 3/15, 3/29, and 4/12. No class 1/20 and 4/21. Hybrid class from 1/13-5/19 with supplemental online activities. Class 288 total hours: 164 hours seated, 76 hours online, and 48 hours of clinical field observation. Students will be eligible for clinicals after they reach 60% of the class. |
180.00 | Register |
EMS-4400 | Paramedic Initial | 850 | 1/13/25 | 7/24/25 |
310 310 TBD RNET |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building To Be Determined Internet/Online |
M ,
W T , TH |
8:30 AM 9:00 AM |
2:00 PM 4:30 PM |
Lowman | OPEN
This course meets the requirements forr NC Office of EMS Paramedic Certification. Class Hours: Monday and Wednesday 08:30-14:00 from 1/13 to 5/13, Tuesday and Thursday 09:00-16:30 from 6/3 to 7/24. No class 1/20, 3/17, 3/19, 4/21, and 7/3. Hybrid class from 1/13-7/24 with supplemental online activities. Class 660 total hours: 283 hours seated, 223 hours online, and 154 hours of clinical field observation. |
180.00 | Register |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Online/Blackboard class~ Online Inservice reviewing Ethics/Pediatrics Updates in EMS. |
70.00 | Register | |||
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 507 | 2/13/25 | 2/13/25 | NFHQ | CLSRM | Newton Fire HQ Station 1 | TH | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Newton Fire Department HQ~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 508 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | MFD2 | CLSRM | Maiden Fire Dept 2 | T | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Maiden Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 509 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | STSF | FD | St Stephfd | T | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~St Stephens Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 510 | 2/19/25 | 2/19/25 | BAND | FD | Bandy's Fire Department | W | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Bandys Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 511 | 2/19/25 | 2/19/25 | CBRS | CLSRM | Catawba Rescue Squad | W | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Catawba Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 506 | 2/21/25 | 2/21/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | F | 9:00 AM | 1:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 507 | 2/21/25 | 2/21/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | F | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8830 | Patient Assessment | 502 | 2/24/25 | 2/24/25 | HIDD | FD | Hiddenite | M | 7:00 PM | 11:00 PM | Earp | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hiddenite Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 508 | 2/26/25 | 2/26/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | W | 9:00 AM | 1:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 509 | 2/26/25 | 2/26/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | W | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8856 | Ethics/Pediatrics | 512 | 2/27/25 | 2/27/25 | CLRS | CLSRM | Claremont Rescue Squad | TH | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Claremont Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 510 | 2/28/25 | 2/28/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | F | 9:00 AM | 1:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8913 | ARC BLS Recertification | 511 | 2/28/25 | 2/28/25 | HFD7 | CLSRM | Hickory Fire Station #7 | F | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Coffey | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hickory Fire Department Station 7~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 800 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Online/Blackboard class~ Online Inservice reviewing Cardiac Arrest/Post Resucitation Updates in EMS. |
70.00 | Register | |||
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 500 | 3/3/25 | 3/3/25 | PROP | FD | Propst Cr Fd | M | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Propst Crossroads Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8667 | Communications & Documentation | 500 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | SPFD | CLSRM | Stony Point Fire Department | TH | 7:00 PM | 11:00 PM | Earp | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Stony Point Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 501 | 3/6/25 | 3/6/25 | CFD2 | CLSRM | Conover Fire Department St 2 | TH | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Conover Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 502 | 3/10/25 | 3/10/25 | MDRS | CLSRM | Maiden Rescue Squad | M | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Maiden Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8667 | Communications & Documentation | 501 | 3/11/25 | 3/11/25 | ALRS | CLSRM | Alexander Rescue Squad | T | 7:00 PM | 11:00 PM | Earp | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Alexander Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 503 | 3/11/25 | 3/11/25 | MVFD | CLSRM | Mountain View Fire Department | T | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Mountain View Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 504 | 3/11/25 | 3/11/25 | STSF | FD | St Stephfd | T | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~St Stephens Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 505 | 3/11/25 | 3/11/25 | NFHQ | CLSRM | Newton Fire HQ Station 1 | T | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Newton Fire Department HQ~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 506 | 3/12/25 | 3/12/25 | NFHQ | CLSRM | Newton Fire HQ Station 1 | W | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Newton Fire Department HQ~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 507 | 3/13/25 | 3/13/25 | NFHQ | CLSRM | Newton Fire HQ Station 1 | TH | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Newton Fire Department HQ~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 508 | 3/18/25 | 3/18/25 | MFD2 | CLSRM | Maiden Fire Dept 2 | T | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Maiden Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 509 | 3/18/25 | 3/18/25 | STSF | FD | St Stephfd | T | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~St Stephens Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 510 | 3/19/25 | 3/19/25 | BAND | FD | Bandy's Fire Department | W | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Bandys Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 511 | 3/19/25 | 3/19/25 | CBRS | CLSRM | Catawba Rescue Squad | W | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Catawba Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8667 | Communications & Documentation | 502 | 3/24/25 | 3/24/25 | HIDD | FD | Hiddenite | M | 7:00 PM | 11:00 PM | Earp | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Hiddenite Fire Department~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8937 | Cardiac Arrest/Post RES | 512 | 3/27/25 | 3/27/25 | CLRS | CLSRM | Claremont Rescue Squad | TH | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Claremont Rescue Squad~ NO WEB |
70.00 | No Online Reg |
EMS-8955 | Lifting/Moving, Pediatric Tran | 800 | 4/1/25 | 4/30/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~Online/Blackboard class~ Online Inservice reviewing Lifting/Moving, Pediatric Transport Updates in EMS. |
70.00 | Register | |||
EMS-4200 | Emergency Med Tech Initial | 850 | 6/3/25 | 7/24/25 |
310 310 TBD RNET |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building To Be Determined Internet/Online |
T ,
W ,
TH T , W , TH |
9:30 AM 1:30 PM |
12:30 PM 4:30 PM |
Lowman | OPEN
|Kendra Lowman - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4372| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 310~ This course meets the requirements for NC Office of EMS Certification. Class Hours: Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 09:30am-4:30pm. No class 7/3. Hybrid class from 6/3-7/24 with supplemental online activities. Class 288 total hours: 138 hours seated, 102 hours online, and 48 hours of clinical field observation. Students will be eligible for clinicals after they reach 60% of the class. |
180.00 | Register |
EPT-8603 | Public Policy Analysis | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for PAD-252. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8611 | Basic Detection& Investigation | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-128. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8612 | Business Continuity Planning | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-260. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8613 | Emergency Management of ES | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Hullett | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-140. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8618 | Management&Leadership in ES | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-276. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8607 | Sociology of Disaster | 800 | 1/21/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-120. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8608 | Terrorism&EM for Emerg Pers | 800 | 1/21/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-220. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8634 | Telecommunications-Crisis Mang | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8633 | Emergency Medical Dispatch | 100 | 2/26/25 | 2/28/25 |
078 078 |
The Tarlton Complex The Tarlton Complex |
W ,
TH ,
F W , TH , F |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 6:00 PM |
Herman | OPEN
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus Tarlton MPC Room 078~ NO WEB Pre-registration required via Priority Dispatch. Https://prioritydispatch.netexam.com/#:cls309193 |
125.00 | No Online Reg |
EPT-8635 | Telecommunicator Customer Serv | 800 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ |
70.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8601 | Grant Writing | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for PAD-254. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8604 | Incident Management | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-150. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8605 | Legal Aspects of the ES | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-152. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8613 | Emergency Management of ES | 801 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-140. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8614 | Emergency Operations Ctr Mgmt | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web This is an online course via Blackboard. Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-275. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8615 | Firefighter Safety & Survival | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-164. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8616 | Government Finance-PS Leaders | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-228. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8617 | Intro to Fire Protection & ES | 801 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-120. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8619 | Mitigation & Preparedness | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for PAD-151. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8620 | Planning for Emergency Mgmt | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for EPT-230. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
EPT-8621 | Principles of Code Enforcement | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-136. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8770 | 1583 FF Advanced Fitness Prog | 475 | 1/7/25 | 3/28/25 | PSTC | RANGE | Public Safety Training Complex |
M T W TH F |
6:50 AM | 7:50 AM | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Driving Range~ NO Web This is a closed class. Class will meet Monday - Friday and be off on 01/13, 01/14, and 01/20. |
180.00 | Register |
FIP-8767 | Firefighter Series (FireAcad) | 100 | 1/8/25 | 3/21/25 |
333 333 |
Cuyler A. Dunbar Building Cuyler A. Dunbar Building |
M ,
T ,
W ,
TH ,
F M , T , W , TH , F |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 333~ NO Web This is a closed class part of the CVCC Fire Academy. |
180.00 | Register |
FIP-8862 | Building Construction for ES | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-8862. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8864 | Fire Fighting Strategies | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8866 | Fire Prevention Public Edu | 800 | 1/13/25 | 3/10/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-124. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-2120 | Intro to Fire Protection | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web This is a closed class. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8791 | LZ Refresher | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This is an online course via Blackboard. This class is 15 year old eligible via FRC-1200 |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-9073 | Tools & Tactics Less Used | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rogers | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This class is 15 year old eligible via FIP-3030. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-9074 | The Fire Pump Review | 800 | 2/1/25 | 2/28/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This is an online course via Blackboard. This class is 15 year old eligible via FIP-3047 |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 485 | 2/13/25 | 2/13/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | TH | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 486 | 2/13/25 | 2/13/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | TH | 1:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 479 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | T | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Shanley | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 480 | 2/18/25 | 2/18/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | T | 1:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Shanley | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 481 | 2/20/25 | 2/20/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | TH | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Shanley | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8800 | Search Refresher | 482 | 2/20/25 | 2/20/25 | PSTC | PROP | Public Safety Training Complex | TH | 1:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Shanley | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~CVCC PSTC Prop Burn Structure~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8776 | Fire Service Pride & Ownership | 500 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | MVFD | CLSRM | Mountain View Fire Department | T | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Mountain View Fire Department~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8844 | PPE Review | 500 | 2/25/25 | 2/25/25 | CAFD | CLSRM | Catawba Fire Department | T | 6:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Spencer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Catawba Fire Department~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8645 | SCBA Refresher | 500 | 2/27/25 | 2/27/25 | COOK | FD | Cooksville Fd | TH | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Weinrich | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Cooksville Fire Department~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-8805 | Ropes and Knots Refresher | 800 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This is an online course via Blackboard. This class is 15 year old eligible via FRC-1200 |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8864 | Fire Fighting Strategies | 801 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web This is a closed class. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8922 | Building Construction Review | 800 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rogers | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This class is 15 year old eligible via FIP-3043. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-9076 | Boss Vs Leader | 800 | 3/1/25 | 3/31/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Rhodarmer | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ This is an online course via Blackboard. This class is 15 year old eligible via FIP-3718 |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8865 | Fire Protection Systems | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-146. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
180.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8938 | Adv Fire Fighting Strategies | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-221. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
125.00 | Register | |||
FIP-9075 | Industrial Fire Protection | 800 | 3/11/25 | 5/13/25 | INTE | RNET | Internet/Online | Graham | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Online/Blackboard class~ NO Web Students who successfully complete this course will get credit for FIP-140. Pre-registration is required by emailing rgraham911@cvcc.edu. This is an online course via Blackboard. |
70.00 | Register | |||
FIP-8804 | Building Construction Refresh | 500 | 3/13/25 | 3/13/25 | COOK | FD | Cooksville Fd | TH | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Instructor | OPEN
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Cooksville Fire Department~ NO Web |
70.00 | Register |
FIP-9077 | Followship & Group Dynamics | 500 | 3/26/25 | 3/26/25 |
Camp Dogwood Camp Dogwood |
W W |
8:00 AM 1:00 PM |
12:00 PM 5:00 PM |
|Steven Rhodarmer - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4423| ~Camp Dogwood~ No web Pre-registration is required by emailing srhodarmer@cvcc.edu |
70.00 | No Online Reg | |
LET-3110 | Basic Law Enforcement Training | 100 | 1/16/25 | 6/26/25 |
317 317 114 048 114 114 004 TRACK 114 CLARK 048 114 114 114 114 TRACK 114 048 MU1 MU1 MU1 MU1 MU1 114 114 114 114 004 114 114 114 048 004 114 114 114 TRACK 114 114 114 RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE 048 114 114 004 114 114 048 MEETRM MEETRM MEETRM 114 114 TRACK TRACK MU1 MU1 TRACK MU1 MU1 114 114 114 114 114 048 004 TRACK 115 115 048 115 004 TRACK 115 CLARK 115 115 004 115 115 TRACK 115 115 115 048 004 115 MEETRM MEETRM MEETRM 115 RANGE RANGE RANGE 115 115 TRACK 048 115 115 MU1 MU1 115 115 004 115 115 115 115 115 TRACK 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 048 MU1 MU1 MU1 004 MU1 115 115 MU1 115 115 115 004 MU1 MU1 115 115 MU1 MU1 115 115 115 115 115 115 TRNRM 115 115 CLSRM CLSRM 115 048 115 115 MU1 MU1 MU1 115 CLARK 115 115 |
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Deal | OPEN
|Clyde Deal - (828) 327-7000 ext. 4573| ~CVCC Main Campus CAD Room 114~ NO WEB |
180.00 | No Online Reg |